Monday, November 29, 2004
The End

Angel backed the car out of the hotel parking space, and we hit the highway back the way we came.


And the novel is "complete." (heh.) I didn't get to 100k as I dreamt I would, but that's okay. I can't believe I wrote far more than 50k. It's testing my limits, and I never thought I could churn out that much prose. 2,000k/day seems like nothing after writing up to 9,000 words in one sitting. I'm resurrecting last year's NaNoWriMo novel for NaNoEdMo, and I'll continue to blog the process here when we pick up in March. In the meantime, I've got some ends to tie up. I've got to chase down newspaper copies of The Advertiser from the last two Sundays--which will be a challenge. I've got to somehow pull together a photo op for Wednesday night. I've got to pull MYSELF together for troupe practice on Thursday night, and then a performance on Friday night, and then the official Thank-God-It's-Over Party for Lafayette NaNoWriMo on Saturday afternoon. Ick. And I'm sick as it is. I'm thinking...R-E-L-A-P-S-E.